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Or we could, you know, use a sane method that accepts the fact that prostitution will never go away and recognizes that some women do, in fact, choose to enter the sex industry of their own free will. Regulate, tax and monitor, increase penalties for pimps and coercion, direct more funds towards education and support programs for women who decide to move on from prostitution. All that happens when prostitution is further criminalized is that it's driven further underground and the police vice squads get more business. (By the way, does anyone else find it interesting that there's never any mention in these treatises of men who prostitute themselves?). From the letter: 'that, as the Supreme Court of Canada found in Bedford, most women cannot be said to choose prostitution,2 and consequently, in the experience of women, any line between prostitution, trafficking and child prostitution is more artificial than real.'

Checking the footnote reference 2, it (the Supreme Court) actually said: 'First, while some prostitutes may fit the description of persons who freely choose (or at one time chose) to engage in the risky economic activity of prostitution, many prostitutes have no meaningful choice but to do so.' The letter's writers are subtly replacing 'many' with 'most', yet i would hope that 'many' if not 'most' of these signatories would actually understand the difference, and not try to mis-paraphrase the findings of bodies like the supreme court. Hopefully this example is an exception and not characteristic of how they have built their argument. Making the best choice amongst limited options is something we all do, and nobody calls that 'violence' when we do it, except prohibitionists about sex work. Instead we act to mitigate or prevent what real violence there is and recognise those involved in an industry as people providing a service, and not the dehumanizing mindless 'bodies' that are 'sold' as the prohibitionists say. Yes, this is about principles. Do you want the government dictating to sex workers, most of whom are women, what they can and cannot do with their own bodies for their own purposes, or interfering with those that they sell services to?

Wow, this reveals so much about these crusaders. Just a few of this letter’s many absurdities: “’evidence-based’ has become a smear” no, it’s a call for integrity around evidence and arguments. Why do the authors take it as a smear? “We believe that prostitution constitutes violence against women” this statement of faith is one of those things that needs to be argued and evidenced. “any new approach to prostitution must be set in a women’s equality framework” another statement of faith.

Calatorie La Ixtlan Pdf Free Castaneda – Calatorie la Ixtlan. The book shows a progression between different states of learning, from hunterto warriorto man of knowledge or sorcererthe difference said to be one of skill level and the type of thing hunted, ” Author Write something about yourself.

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  • A Separate Reality; Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda. Caterpillar editor Clayton Eshleman told me later that film-maker Stan Brakhage was initially enraged to see that such a commercial, mainstream movie reviewed in an avant-garde magazine that would not deign, as Stan put it to Clayton,.

“the evidence is clear that women enter into prostitution because of economic need and profound social disadvantage.” now the authors are back to evidence? Surely they’ll provide evidence of how these affidavits are generalizable “Most women in prostitution in Canada are there because of” now the clear evidence applies only to “most women” Yet, “These are well‑established facts. Prostitution is evidence of, and entrenches, sex, race, and class hierarchies.” now prostitution IS the evidence, and without having offered any real evidence or argument. “We do not agree that prostitution is acceptable for any women” back to an argument from faith. Prostitution is a priori unacceptable. We are to accept this without argument or evidence.

Re legalization: “the evidence does not show that it has succeeded.” again with the evidence, but without showing any work that supports the assertion. “The violence inherent in prostitution” more faith, which does not follow from the references that precede it. “what is legalized and normalized is not just individual prostitution transactions, but the prostitution industry.” another giant leap, one that overlooks that prostitution has always been legal. “For Canada to take this step would be both dangerous and discriminatory.” Again, prostitution is already legal! “We do not accept prostitution as a solution to women’s poverty” and neither does anyone else. Please no straw men thanks. Lastly, why does the letter divide “signatories” from “men in support”?

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What does that say about the authors position on sexist social relations? You can’t fight sexism by promoting sexism. This letter reveals exactly who makes up the SWERF movement in Canada, and hints at their thinking and tactics The authors obviously have powerful feelings but their position is absurd, and therefore not the least bit feminist. I want to be sympathetic to the arguments of the Nordic side, but i think they have the wrong target. Prostitution happens very simply because the demand for sex is greater than the supply. I realize that the Nordic side is trying to do right and support social justice-I share their general concerns.

I wish I could share their conviction that long lectures about abused women or stringent legal measures against men who are seeking sex would eliminate prostitution, but I don't think it will. Unfortunately there's a capitalistic and monetized relationship at the base of prostitution; it is the idea of a woman's body as property.

But the Nordics, instead of attacking the property idea (e.g. Capitalism is the source of women's oppression) attack its gender leanings (e.g. Men are the source of women's exploitation).


As a man, when I hear about the Nordic position, I am saddened, hurt, and angry. Just as there are some women who buy into the anti-abortion position, so there are some men who buy into the Nordic position. I would suggest that they are exactly analogous. Laws don't work, never have. In Florida where it's extremely illegal for both sex worker and client, the trick simply declares 'Here is a gift for you' and presents payment which avoids all prosecution if it's an undercover sting. That's how easy this illegal buying legislation can be bypassed. There's dozens of other ways, including third party payment which brings back pimps.

Whoever drafted this letter should contact male, transgender, and female sex workers advertising in the hundreds of forums, agency sites and classifieds and ask them if they appreciate having somebody meddling with their livelihoods because 'it's in their best interests'. This is unfortunately quite typical of attacks by the prohibitionists on consensual adult prostitution. Lengthy screeds full of hysterical concern 'for the children' and hurt feelings but short on actual statistics backing up their position with most of their so-called statistics being willfully misinterpreted or being read from studies with serious methodological issues.

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The vast majority of papers supporting decriminalization are more likely to be logically presented with valid statistics supporting their position. When bad feelz is the best evidence you can present your position must be disregarded and I am hopeful that the federal government will do the least possible damage is this situation. The ideal approach would be for the federal government to do nothing and simply let the old, flawed laws lapse but that is unlikely to be the approach of our increasingly statist society.

This entry was posted on 21.10.2019.