Power Tool Essentials Minecraft Download


The permission nodes to be able to create and use Essentials' signs can be found in the Command Reference/Perm. It's highly recommended that players be granted access to use signs, while certain creation privileges should be tightly controlled. For a detailed sign tutorial video, click here.

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Contents. Global Meta Data ALL items can have a Name and Lore (or description) applied to them. You can use an underscore ' to create a space and a pipe ' ' within lore to create a new line. You can also use the Essentials colour syntax to colour this meta information as seen below. Name Provide a name for the item which is shown in inventory tooltips and hotbar descriptions.

You can use normal Essentials colour codes. Name: /i dsword 1 name:&fThe&4Monster&fmash Lore Otherwise known as a description, sets text for the item which is shown in inventory tooltips and hotbar descriptions.

Power Tool Minecraft Plugin

You can use normal Essentials colour codes, and for new lines. Lore: /i daxe 1 lore:KHobbits'banhammer /i bow 1 name:Mightytwang lore:Through the ages Permissions. essentials.itemspawn.meta-title.

Minecraft power tools mod

Essentials is made up of multiple components, you must place each jar that you intend to use in your Minecraft/Bukkit plugins folder. You will generally not need/want all components, ignore the commands & permissions from the modules you haven't installed. If you aren't sure what each component does, first check the. As we are getting set up to launch Visual Studio 2017 tomorrow, we wanted to let you know that we have released the Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2017. So, you’ll be able to hit the ground running with all your favorite productivity features.

essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore Usage in Kits. See also: Creating custom books is possible by using the book.txt file in the Essentials plugin root folder. In this file you can create a named section or chapter which starts with #. These can then be used in item meta using book: Essentials comes with a example book, in /kit color, but can also be spawned using the example command below. In the example book.txt, the chapter 'Colors' can be spawned by using book:Colors.

See book example book: Examples /i writtenbook 1 title:&4Book&9o&6Colors author:KHobbits lore:Ingamecolorcodes book:Colors Permissions. essentials.itemspawn.meta-title. essentials.itemspawn.meta-author. essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore. essentials.itemspawn.meta-book.

essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-chapter Potions Potion meta data takes 3 parameters, 'effect', 'power' and 'duration' or shorthands of 'e', 'p' and 'd' respectively. All 3 parameters are required and need to be in this order. For multiple potion effects repeat the series (see below for exmaples). Potion Meta Effect speed slowness haste fatigue strength heal harm jump nausea regeneration resistance fireresist waterbreath invisibility blindness nightvision hunger weakness poison wither healthboost absorption saturation Effect Any number of different potion effects can be simultaneously active on a player, even in the case of opposite potion effects such as Strength and Weakness. It is not possible to apply the same potion effect multiple times, however, even if the effects are of different levels (e.g. Strength and Strength II cannot both be active at the same time).

In the event of using a potion that applies an effect already active on the player, the new version of the effect overwrites the old effect, giving a new level and full duration if the new effect is of equal or greater level. An attempt to use a potion that applies a weaker version of an already-active effect consumes the potion but does not apply the new effect. Effect: effect:speed Power The power or level for the potion effect. This can also be a negative value which essentially inverts the effect. Jump becomes lower in height, heal actually causes damage, etc etc. Power:-127 to 128 power:2 Duration Provided as seconds. Duration: duration:120 Examples /i potion 1 effect:speed power:2 duration:60 /i potion 3 effect:heal power:1 duration:240 effect:jump power:50 duration:30 Permissions.

essentials.potions.potionname. essentials.potions.multiple Leather Armor Leather armor can be coloured by crafting dyes in with a piece of leather armor, alternatively they can be acquired using /give, /i commands or in.

Note, the syntax for colours varies slightly from that of Fireworks above as it is provided in comma separated RGB format (0-255). Color:, You can test out your colors by using color:226,29,34 Examples /i leatherhelmet 1 name:ARaspberryBeret color:199,44,72 lore:Thekindufind inasecondhandstore Mob Heads There are five variants of mob heads: Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, zombie, human and Creeper. Head types Provided as either an id with an integer 0-4 (eg. 397:2) or with the values below.

397:0-4 or skeletonhead witherhead zombiehead humanhead creeperhead Player heads For 397:3 or 'humanhead' above, an extra argument is provided for player/owner. 397:3 1 player:Notch Examples /i 397:1 1 /i witherhead 1 /i 397:3 1 player:Khobbits Tool durability It is also possible to spawn tools with a pre-defined durability level, that is to say how 'worn' the item in question is. Refer to the table below.: Tools usage table Gold 33 uses Wood 60 uses Stone 132 uses Iron 251 uses Diamond 1562 uses Examples /i 279:780 1 /i goldpickaxe:32 1.

PowerTool — Bind commands to items Originally requested by InflamedSebi. PowerTool allows you to bind commands to your in-hand items. Any item may be assigned commands for both left-click and right-click.

Bound commands remain until you manually clear the binding. Please post bugs and/or feature requests as. Features. Bound commands may include special tokens which are appropriately substituted when the item is used. Currently, these are: Token Description%p The name of the player you left-clicked or right-clicked.%x X-coordinate of the block targeted by your crosshairs%y Y-coordinate of the block targeted by your crosshairs%z Z-coordinate of the block targeted by your crosshairs%Y Y-coordinate of the nearest air block above the block targeted by your crosshairs All of these tokens are configurable.

Works in creative mode. Right-clicking and left-clicking players in creative mode will generally work, even when far away (up to 100 blocks). Ability to define global power tools. These are administrator-defined binds that can be made available to whoever you want (based on permissions). Fine-grained control over the use of power tools via permissions. Global power tools may grant temporary permissions or even be run as the console. Needless to say, these features should be used with care.

The number of player-created binds may be limited based on group/permission. Items may be further differentiated by custom display name (e.g. When given one via Anvils). Note this option is off by default, enable it in the configuration file.

Minecraft Essentials Mod

Commands There's only one command, /powertool which may also be abbreviated /pt or /ptool:. /powertool left — Binds the command (and its arguments) to the left-click action of the current item. The command must not include the first slash. This may also be abbreviated as /powertool l. /powertool right — Binds the command (and its arguments) to the right-click action of the current item. This may also be abbreviated as /powertool r. /powertool left — With no command to bind, the currently-bound left-click command is cleared from the current item.

Minecraft Essentials Home

Use /powertool right to clear the right-click command. /powertool list — Displays all player-defined power tools for the current player.

/powertool clear — Clears all bound commands from the current item. /powertool clear — Clears all bound commands from the specified item. /powertool clear -a — Clears all bound commands from all items. /powertool on — Enable power tools for this session (default is on). /powertool off — Disable power tools for this session.

/powertool toggle — Toggle power tools availability. Can also be abbreviated as /powertool t. /powertool reload — Re-reads config.yml. Permissions PowerTool only supports Bukkit permissions (aka Superperms). By default, ops have all permissions.

Power Tool Essentials Minecraft Download

powertool.use — Allows the use and creation of power tools. (Has powertool.use. and powertool.create as child permissions.).

powertool.use. — Allows the use of all power tools. powertool.use. — Allows the use of a specific power tool identified by item-id. Item-id may be numeric (e.g.

322 for golden apple), or the with or without underscores (e.g. GOLDENAPPLE or GOLDENAPPLE). Note that Bukkit permissions are not case-sensitive, so both powertool.use.goldenapple and powertool.use.GOLDENAPPLE work fine. powertool.create — Allows the creation of personal power tools. A player must be given this permission in order to use the left/right/list/clear subcommands. powertool.reload — Allows use of /powertool reload Additionally, per-group power tool limits may be defined using permissions. See the options section in config.yml for details.

Global, Administrator-defined Binds By editing config.yml, the server administrator can define binds for use by anyone with the powertool.use permission. For example: powertools: string: left-click: plugins right-click: version The item ID ('string' in the above example) may be an integer item ID or a name. If using an integer item ID, you must quote it as a string, e.g.

'287' for 'string.' If using a name, you must use a standard Bukkit material name. For example, for golden apples, you may use one of:.

GOLDENAPPLE. 'golden apple' (since it has a space, it must be quoted). goldenapple Examples. Promote and demote users using the left-click and right-click actions of the current item: /powertool l promote%p /powertool r demote%p.

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Bind WorldEdit's copy & paste commands. Remember that many WorldEdit commands normally start with two slashes, but you must always omit the first slash. /powertool left /copy /powertool right /paste License & Source PowerTool is released under the. Sources may be found on GitHub:. Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff.

Use them at your own risk. (Requires ToHPluginUtils.jar). (includes ToHPluginUtils, like the version distributed on dev.bukkit.org) To Do. Allow setting/clearing global power tools from the command line (for those with the proper permission, of course). Allow player-specific power tools to override global ones. Allow global power tool flags (e.g. Run-as-console) to be assigned to each individual action.

This entry was posted on 06.10.2019.