Gpsgate Server Serial

  1. Franson Gpsgate Client
  2. Gpsgate Splitter
Gpsgate Server Serial

Franson Gpsgate Client

Ionia gpsgate

My issue closely mimics a few here but not specifically enough for me to solve the issue. I have a GPSGate device happily reading serial data and sending it off perfectly to my Traccar server.

For Windows Mobile / Pocket PC guides, please click Note! GpsGate Splitter was formerly known as GpsGate Client Connecting a GPS application to GpsGate Splitter What is a virtual port? A virtual port is a “fake” serial port that GpsGate creates.

GPS applications (and other applications as well) can connect to this port and believe it is a real serial port. The GPS application will believe it is a real GPS. By creating virtual ports, you can have several GPS applications share one GPS. Create virtual ports using the Wizard The easiest way to create some virtual ports is by using the Setup Wizard. If you have already run the Wizard you can do it again by opening the Settings dialog and click “Setup Wizard” Manually creating virtual ports Open the Settings dialog from the Tray manu.

Select the “Output” tab. Select “Virtual Port” from the drop down.

Gpsgate Splitter

A dialog now opens were you can select a virtual port to create. This is the port you should connect your GPS application to.

This entry was posted on 01.10.2019.