Xbox 360 Boot Disk Iso Download
' Also worth noting, any installed games will be tethered to the Xbox you installed it to. So if you think you can install it to a USB drive, take it to your friends house, and quickly jump into a game on his Xbox, you're going to be disappointed. Even if you bring the disc? The report goes on to say that if you can find the ISO on the Net, you can burn it, place it in your Xbox 360 and boot with it. Then they say, set back and watch. Such a disc is an important find.
An anonymous reader writes 'The, allowing users to boot backups of games on the new Microsoft console. A group of hackers on the forum managed to trick the DVD firmware into reporting a recordable disc as an original Xbox 360 disc. This means that it will not allow booting of unsigned homebrew code (like Linux), as the signature check is not bypassed.
This hack will just trick the Xbox 360 into thinking you inserted an original Xbox 360 disc, so it'll only boot unedited executables. A has been released, the hack has not been released to the public (because it will be mainly used for piracy), but all the research of the last few months is publicly viewable.' I read Playboy mainly for the page numbers, and the index. I mainly enjoy looking up a random page in the index, and then finding it in the magazine by binary search. I've written a program in Perl that helps me train; I type in the number of pages, and then it selects a random page for me, following a gaussian distribution (I don't want to have to find the index! Lol!) and then I navigate to it.
After a few years practice, I've got down to an average of less than two seconds for any given page number. I've got my girlfriend doing it now as well, we can sometimes spend entire evenings sitting down with my Linux box, seeing who can get to page 58 first! Its absolutely fantastic. What I find interesting is that it's yet another case of a 'perfect' protection being broken. No matter how good the lock, a professional thief (or curious old-school hacker) will get past it.
All locks ever do is keep out people who respect locks. AFAIK, nobody has managed to backup and burn GameCube discs. You can stream backups from your PC to your GC over a LAN. So while it's a functional hack, it isn't nearly as.
I wonder why they ignored the only schema so far that has kept the modders from ripp. Yeah, but booting non-MS code is much more difficult than booting copied discs. All you need to boot copies of retail games is DVD-ROM telling xbox, that it's xbox360dvd in the drive. In order to run unsigned binaries you have to crack several levels of protection, some of them embedded into the processor itself. And these are not your garden variety propriety measures hackable in an hour by sophomore CS student. So, you still can't run XBMC (NG) on Xbox360, but you can play all the pirated games you want.
Weird, isn't it? I own original Xbox modified with DuoX modchip. Of course I have several pirated games installed on my (upgraded) HD. I would have bought some games I love (like burnout 3, 4), if it weren't for extremely stupid, suicidal policy of MS to ship Xbox with defective DVD drives that don't read DVD-R etc disks1. So, for me it's funny.
MS is doing anything it can to make Xbox 360 unatractive to me and to prevent me from ever buying legal copies of games for either its old or new system.;) Robert PS If you want to condemn me as unwashed pirate, bugger off. I have a DVD collection bought legally, exceeding 300 DVD-s. Give me fair deal and I'll make your toilet solid gold. But if you want me to bend over for marginal gain, you must have been smoking something very strong all of your life. 1 You see, me and my wife are compulsive sci-fi/crime series watchers. Unlike me, my wife can't really comprehend them in English, so whenever I buy dvd set I process it to add Polish translation. But - in order to play those remastered DVDs - I had to change the Xbox DVD drive to PC DVD drive, to read DVD-R.
And PC DVD drive won't read original xboxdvd discs. Admittedly, it's also the reason I have an Xbox in the first place; a friend of mine had to scrap his when the DVD-ROM drive just up and started not reading discs with the kind of reliability you need to actually, well, play them. So I have an Xbox, hacked it, but the way to play games is to copy them over my LAN onto the HDD, or sometimes one can convince the disc drive to copy a game to the hard drive, but it's impossible to actually play legit games legitimately. What I've done instead is turn it into. So basically, because MS used rather defective DVD-ROM drives. You see, the 'defectiveness' of DVD drives is just a product of MS's DRM.
They deliberately decided, that Xbox DVD can't play DVD-R/+R etc. Not just DVD media ID, but really DVD recorded discs. So they ordered drives that would have their laser IC calibrated in such a way, that it would not be able to properly play home recorder DVDs.
But the side effect of this is that such DVD drive quite rapidly stops reading even 'legitimate' xbox dvd dis. In order to run arbitrary code, two things are needed: - The Xbox needs to boot from DVD recordable discs.
(this news means that's been done) - The encryption that checks whether or not the executable code is 'signed' needs to be overcome. (yet to be done) On the Xbox the security system was broken by taking advantage of buffer overflows and similar errors in the save/load game functions and font renderers, etc. This can be done using an unmodified DVD with a correct signature. I bet something similar will be. DRM is a stupid idea.
It never stops hackers but it stops the average consumer from having the full use of the device they've legally bought. I don't like DRM either, but one fallacy among opponents is the distinction between 'average consumers' and 'pirates'. The problem is that average consumers can easily become pirates if various conditions are ripe: the original seems expensive, copying is easy, nobody is ever punished, etc. There are entire countries of 'average consumers' who almost never buy original software or music. The problem being that companies are using DRM to make up for overpriced shitty products.
With a decent product and decent pricing people will buy the software. As it is the average consumer is quickly learning to find free, already cracked, copies anyhow. Either they are smart enough to find it online or they just find a friend that is.
Most people I know that defend commercial software are either people trying to make a living from that software or a consumer that is getting it all for free anyway. The problem is that average consumers can easily become pirates if various conditions are ripe: the original seems expensive, copying is easy, nobody is ever punished, etc. There are entire countries of 'average consumers' who almost never buy original software or music. The problem is that average consumers can easily become pirates if various conditions are ripe: the original seems expensive, copying is easy, nobody is ever punished, they are dirt poor, etc.
There are entire countries of 'average consum. But the fact remains: DRM causes lots of unpleasantness for the honest buyers, while having no effect whatsoever on the people who download from thepiratebay. Problem: digital copies are equally 'good' as the original. Industry solution(drm): Make it so that today a copy is actually.superior. to the original. What is superior?
An original, say Bertine Zetlits-CD, that is not valid CD-audio, won't play in your car, won't play in your DVD-player, won't play in your computer, won't transfer cleanl. Well, it doesn't help that much, as it's the signature that determines how a valid image may be started (and no commercial game will say 'burned booting OK'). Now, all software written by MS really 'sees' the disc as a real DVD, completely independent of whether booting from burned DVDs is supported or not. The only way to block this would be to block flashing DVD firmware (wise) or blocking reading burned discs in hardware.
The latter would of course make it less usable for playing CDs or video in more or less legitimate ways that MS still wants to support. To hack a disc? This is the entire disc authentication system completely reverse engineered with little or no understanding of the inner working of the 360 kernel.
This is a complete sidestepping of what was probably 3 years of complete tightening of all of the 360s internal communication, integrity checking and copy protection. No one made any claims about it taking a day, and when a loose community does this in 4 months it IS god damned impressive since it is more than most people on this board could do in a fucking lifetime. I'm guessing the good researchers figured if they publicly took the credit AND released the code, they'll be in the crosshairs of (MS HomelandSec:-s Feds ) in a minute.
If its not already illegal (isnt it?), it'll probably soon be. So they figure they wont release the code.
They say, hey its possible. They say, hey this is the exact result. They say, hey this is how we've been going abt it these past few months. They say, sorry folks, y'know we'd love to spread the good hack around, but y'know piracy's pira. 'the hack has not been released to the public (because it will be mainly used for piracy)' Then why did they bother? Testing XP or linux to see if its security is working is one thing.
That has real world consequences. Testing it is a noble cause IMHO.
Hacking the firmware of a gaming system make get done to 'boot linux' but we all know the real world implication here. I don't frown on this morally one bit but let's not kid ourselves here. Information may want to be free, but people want free games even more. I was wondering why somebody didn't try this before. It would allow you to play copied games on xbox live without getting banned as well since the main xbox firmware hasn't been tampered with, nor has any other hardware been modified in any way. I suppose microsoft could detect this on live by scanning the dvd drives firmware, but the data contained on the firmware itself could easily be spoofed.
The other software on the xbox has to relie on whatever the firmware itself says it has. Somebody could just ad. Well, being able to run unauthorized code would mean that the 'rip your Xbox 360 game to the hard drive' apps would be just around the corner. I think thats what MS is really worried about. Copying DVDs is still kind of a process, and not THAT many people have DVD burners. But if you can rip any game you rent to the hard drive (as you can on the Xbox), then you open up the doors for 'casual' piracy. Hell, softmodding your Xbox is so pitifully easy that you'd be nuts to.not.
do it. MS doesn't want that situat.
Please read the article! This isn't just a 'Oh, I'll put this firmware on a disk and load it up and Bam!, insta-pirate!' This is a firmware for the DVD-ROM, which you first have to A) physically open up the XBox360 B) Then remove the DVD-ROM C) then desolder the firmware chip D) then read the firmware and figure out where to edit, because each DVD-ROM has a unique ID tag E) then you have to reprogram the chip using specialized equipment F) reinstall the chip and hope you didn't ruin a $400+ machine G) get a good copy of a game and hopefully it'll work. Currently, this is.far.
harder than the average modchip. Since each chip has to be custom-programmed, this isn't an easy hack, even if you did have the hacked firmware available. Still, hopefully this is a taste of things to come. The 360 has been only out for 4 months, and this is much better progress than with the original XBox. Usually its always replacing a chip somewhere to allow this to happen. The cool thing here is that drive firmware can be rewritten. Once someone figures out how to run unsigned code, you'll see an ISO that will update your drives firmware without needing to put a hacked firmware chip in making it even less painful.
Either way, 360 devs are shitting themselves right about now. When this happened with the Dreamcast, developer support disappeared and went to the PS2. I have a feeling a lot of current XBox360 pro. Except for the lack of any kind of affiliate link.
Seriously, let's say he WAS related to dskin somehow. If he really was looking to market these things, why would he waste effort on a one-time slashdot post buried on a page somewhere? Even if he WAS in it for marketing, his point's still valid.
I happen to own dskins too, and they're a damn good product that have saved my ass more than once from well-meaning idiots handling my discs. It's sad how quickly you'd add someone to a foe list based on. You're right, but remember that under section 101 'computer program' is so broadly defined that even a data file can be considered a computer program because it 'is a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result,' i.e., displaying an image on a screen in the case of a JPEG file. The ultimate goal of this project is to allow homebrew software on the XB360, or 'to achieve interoperability of independently created computer progra. Then we'd just kill each other with bows, swords, knifes, clubs, and pretty much any instrument that can be fashioned into a weapon. Clearly history is full of killing before guns were created. Our murderousness is by no means the fault of a gun or any other inanimate object.
The removal of these objects from society isn't going to make it a better place. Even if we could remove all potential weapons we'd still just resort to using fists. If anything, guns are a boon to society, as they are an equalize.
Xbox 360 Boot Disk Download Free
It's clear that the submitter of the article doesn't think the moral case for this type of thing is strong enough to stand on its own. He has to help it along, and slightly mislead his audience despite the fact that the vast majority of the copies this is used for will be pirated copies rather than backup copies. The submitter wrote, right there in the summary, 'it will be mainly used for piracy'. I really don't see how he could have been any blunter about it. It does not look to me like there is any attempt being made to mislead readers in any way whatsoever. But I'm not surprised to see a response like yours.
However someone phrases it, there's always someone who thinks they should have phrased it more strongly. I expect that even if the submitter had opened the article with 'Filthy bloodsucking terrorist pedophile pirates have raped America's freedom once again in a savage assault on the copyright protections that keep our children safe', then someone would still have complained that he was being too sympathetic to them.;). Product Activation is totally unheard of in console gaming, and would be impossible to defeat until someone finds a way to either sign executables, or execute unsigned code on the 360. I think people are used enough to product activation for this to work.
Xbox 360 Boot Disk 2.4 Download
The only problem I see is that it would tie a disc to a certain 360. Microsoft could provide a way to disassociate a disc with a given 360, but game rentals and used game sales would be problematic. Microsoft could provide special time-limited activa.